Typing Cat


Bonjour everybody. I'm Pusheen and i love food very much, blogging too <3

Entries About Tuto


thank you for all of your supports after all this year


Basecode : Aina Syaza
Template : Lintang A Pramesti
Owner : Nick
Others : C A T
Archive Calendar With Background

Assalamualaikum,hari ni aku nak buat tutorial baru :D Hee~ Apa itu Blog Archive Calendar? Haa,tu lah contoh dia.Macam gambar dekat atas tu,tak ingin ke? haha, :D Aku saja je nak share dengan korang ;) yelah,maybe ada antara korang ni lupa tarikh? *ceh -,- nyanyuknye. Okay,apa lagi?

Jom Mula !

1.Dashboard > Design > Page Element > Add a gadget > HTML/Javascript
2.Lepas tu korang copy code dekat bawah ni dan paste kat dalam HTML/Javascript tu.
<div id="blogCalendar"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://lvchen-recentcomments.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Calendar/1.0/calendar_pack.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">Calendar.base="URL BLOG";Calendar.timeZone="+08:00";Calendar.timeZoneCheck = true;Calendar.drawTable();</script><style>#blogCalendar {display:block;text-algin:center;border:1px dotted #3399FF;width:90%;background: url(URL BACKGROUND ) ;}#CalendarCaption a {text-decoration:none;}#CalendarCaption {border-bottom: 2px solid#3399FF;width:85%;margin:auto;}#CalendarTable a {font-weight:bold;color: #3399FF;}.Today {background: #3399FF;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;}#CalendarFooter {font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;background: #3399FF;}.yearInput {color: #000000;background: #F6358A;}.monthTable {color: #000000;background: #F6358A;} </style> 
 BIRU : URL Blog korang
PURPLE : Jenis line,boleh tukar jadi ;- Solid , Dotted , Double
MERAH : Warna code,kalau nak tukar boleh click dekat sini

3.Kalau tak ada problem,save je :)

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